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bonjours pouvez vous m'aider pour le première exercice svp merci d'avance

Bonjours Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Le Première Exercice Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. England is one of (wet and hot) countries in Europe.

England is one of the wettest and the hottest countries in Europe.

2.  The Chicks travel in (rickety and tiny) van I have ever seen.

The Chicks travel is the most rickety and the tiniest that I have ever seen

3. (expensive) food they bought was a birthday cake for Gracie.

The most expensive food they bought was a birthday cake for Gracie

4. One of (good) memory was sharing a moment with local people in Hull.

One of the best memory was sharing a moment with local people in Hull

5. (intelligent) idea is to grow herbs in pots attached to the vehicle's exterior.

The most intelligent idea is to grow herbs in pots attached to the vehicle's exterior.

6. Helping people is (enriching) experience a person can do.

Helping people is the most enriching experience a person can do.

7. (far) place they have been to is Inverness.

The farthest place they have been to is Inverness.

8. (bad) memory was when Evan got ill.

The worst memory was when Evan got ill.

9. One of Gracie's friend is (depressed) girl she has ever met.

One of Gracie's friend is the most depressed girl she has ever met.

10. Actually, they are (lucky) family in England.

Actually, they are the luckiest family in England

Explications :

J'espère que je t'ai aidé et que tu as compris, en gros le cours c'est :

Quand le mot a plus de 2 syllabes, tu ajoutes devant the most... et tu rajoutes ed s'il ny est pas. (the most talented)

Quand le mot a 2 syllabes, tu transformes le y (exemple lucky) en i et tu rajoutes est ( luckiest)

Quand le mot est court ( brave ), tu rajoutes simplement st ou est (bravest)

J'ai un petit doute pour le 2. à toi de voir

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