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Bonjour excusez-moi de vous déranger pourriez-vous m’aider pour mon DMD d’anglais merci d’avance

Bonjour Excusezmoi De Vous Déranger Pourriezvous Maider Pour Mon DMD Danglais Merci Davance class=

Sagot :


Réponse :



« Oh!S***! Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, to all my FANS, all the monsters watching.

Thank you to my FATHER, my MOTHER, my beautiful SISTER Natali, I LOVE YOU.


a. Lady Gaga’s clothes are unusual  / provocative /  eccentric

b. She is happy /  excited / joyful /


« To VINCENT and TROY , for standing by me, for being the best manager and the most amazing A&R partner a girl could ever have.

Thank you JIMMY IRVINE .Thank you so much to DOUG MORRISON Motions. Thank you for the whole team at INTERSCOPE.


«  I had this DREAM when I was really YOUNG that I could be whoever I wanted to BE . And no matter what I visioned for myself that I would do it, no matter who didn’t BELIEVE in me.

Thank you so much and thank you. I need to say THANK YOU tonight to WHITNEY HOUSTON.

8/ .

« I wanted to THANK Whitney because when I WROTE Born This Way, I imagined she was SINGING it because I wasn’t secure enough in myself to imagine I was  A SUPER STAR. So Whitney, I IMAGINED you were singing Born This Way when I wrote it. Thank you. »

Explications :

Essaie de réécouter la vidéo avec le texte  ... ; )

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