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Bonjour il faut que je vous fasse cette tache finale en anglais pouvez-vous m’aider

vous allez imaginer une autre suite à l'histoire que celle de Shakespeare. ( ex Romeo received the letter, Juliet woke up, Romeo killed Paris)
1 utiliser le passé
Merci D’avance à la personne qui m’aidera

Sagot :

Finally, although adding this at the end of the article and leaving it in the air, several questions are begged: what we see in the plays is not mediaval society at all, but Elizabethan and Jacobean society. Because although Shakespeare was writing ‘history’, using historical figures and events, what he was really doing was writing about the politics, entertainments and social situations of his own time. A major feature of Shakespeare’s appeal to his own generation was recognition, something Shakespeare exploited relentlessly.