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Bonjour 15 points pour des questions suite à un texte en anglais. SVP je n'y arrive pas, j'ai beaucoup de mal.

Bonjour 15 Points Pour Des Questions Suite À Un Texte En Anglais SVP Je Ny Arrive Pas Jai Beaucoup De Mal class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1)From the headline and the subheading we could think that the article is about the reasons why Banksy breaks the codes of the Art world.

2) mocked - reduces - commodity - choked -rebellion - masterpiece- revolt

3) Banksy accused the art world of inly being interested in making profit ; the event will change the way the art world works


a..Art dealers and the system considered art works as objects : ‘the system that reduces art to nothing but a commodity’ Here we understand that art is only something that is meant to be sold.

b. The artist made fun of art dealers. ‘an artist has genuinely mocked the system’ He found an innovative way to make fun of them.

c. He wanted to make a point ‘He has said something needed to be said’

5) will smile ; will go on ringing ; bit back ; art turned on the hands that feed it

Explications :

Pour la question 2 je n’étais pas sûre du sens de ‘transparent’ pour moi ce sont les mots qui se rapportent à l’hypothèse de la question 1.

J’espère que ces éléments de réponse vous aidera, bon courage !

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