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Bonjour à tous, j'espère que le confinement se passe bien pour vous.
J'ai un devoir à faire. Je dois réinventé le conte blanche neige et les sept nains.
Respectez les différentes étapes d’un conte (situation initiale : When ?
Where ? Who (name / physical description/personality…) What ? , élément perturbateur….)
Entre 150 et 250 mots. Merci à vous

Sagot :


there was once a girl who called herself snow white she was hated by her stepmother because her magic mirror told her that snow white was more beautiful than she was then she was jealous of herself and her beauty. Snow White could no longer to support her then one day she fled into the forest but her mother-in-law sent a hunter to kill snow white and take her heart but he was amazed by her beauty and killed an animal instead. One day snow white returned to a house, it was that of the 7 dwarfs he admired snow white and began to live with it. One day her mother-in-law unveiled herself in an old dame and brought her a poisoned apple which was in fact

and white snow suddenly fell into the apples and the seven dwarfs was very very worried One day a prince came to see her and fell in love with him, he kissed her and she woke up.


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