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Je doit décrire cette photo svp aidez moi

Je Doit Décrire Cette Photo Svp Aidez Moi class=

Sagot :


This is a picture in white and black which that it is old. In the foreground we can see a doctor in a white blows inspecting children. Holding what seems to be a torch to their mouths. The children look traumatised and indeed quite sad. In the background we can see some writing on the wooden wall which reads baggage examined here which then refers to the children as baggage. This could be a reference to nazi times where Jews weren't considered as people

Bonsoir :)

We can see an old black and white image. In this image, there are four people including three children and an adult. This adult is a doctor because he wears a white coat and observes with a lamp the mouth of the largest child. Children are dressed in dark attire, a hat or cap with black boots. Above the last child, there is a text that says "Baggage examined here" which means baggage examined here. This can make us think of war when adults abandoned their children as baggage. The children seem quite poor and seem very tired from their trip.

Voila :))

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