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Megan McArthur is an astronaut. She has been with the United States space agency,
NASA, for 10 years. McArthur dreamed of being an astronaut when she was a
teenager. She worked hard to make it happen.
In college, McArthur studied aerospace engineering. She also studied the ocean.
"Exploring the ocean is similar to exploring space," she told TFK. "We have to use
technology to help us explore both."
In 2000, NASA Offered McArthur a job. "It was hard to believel" she says.
Last May, McArthur took her first trip to space, on the shuttle Atlantis. During the
mission, astronauts completed an important job. They fixed the Hubble space
telescope. Now, Hubble sends back images of the universe that are clearer than ever.
Training for the mission took more than a year. Each person on the shuttle had a job.
McArthur was in charge of the robotic arm. She used it to grab and move the giant
McArthur also held on to spacewalkers with the robotic arm. That made it easier for
the astronauts to replace Hubble's cameras.
What is it like seeing Earth from space? "Incredible," says McArthur. "Watching the
sun rise and set is breathtaking."
Time for Kids, March 2010

1. Vous présentez à un(e) ami(e) le texte que vous venez de lire. Cochez la bonne réponse.
a) This document is a letter
a recipe
an article
b) It is about a film
a trip to space
an electric car
c) The woman in the text is called NASA
Megan McArthur
d) She works as a policewoman
an actress
an astronaut
2) Il/Elle vous demande des précisions sur certains points. Pouvez vous dire si les phrases suivantes sont vraies (RIGHT) ou fausses (WRONG). Justifiez vos réponses en citant le texte.

a) Megan McArthur wanted to be an astronaut when she was young. [ ] RIGHT [ ] WRONG

b) At university, she only studied aerospace engineering. [ ] RIGHT [ ] WRONG

c) McArthur went to espace for the second time in May 2009. [ ] RIGHT [ ] WRONG

d) Before her mission to space, she had to train for more than 12 months. [ ] RIGHT [ ] WRONG

e) During the mission, the astronauts repaired the Hubble space telescope. [ ] RIGHT [ ] WRONG

f) Only a few poeple on the shuttle had a job. [ ] RIGHT [ ] WRONG

3) Citez des passages qui montrent que Megan McArthur est enthousiastes au sujet de son métier et réexprimez-les en Français.

a) Citez :
Réexprimez :

b) Citez :
Réexprimer :

Sagot :

Réponse :

Exercice 1

a) This document is an article

b) It is about a trip to space

c) The woman in the text is called Megan McArthur

d) She works as an astronaut

Exercice 2

a) Megan McArthur wanted to be an astronaut when she was young. (RIGHT ) (( ‘McArthur dreamed of being an astronaut when she was a teenager’ ))

b) At university, she only studied aerospace engineering. (WRONG ) ((‘She also studied the ocean’))

c) McArthur went to space for the second time in May 2009. (WRONG) ((‘McArthur took her first trip to space’))

d) Before her mission to space, she had to train for more than 12 months. (RIGHT) ((‘Training for the mission took more than a year’))

e) During the mission, the astronauts repaired the Hubble space telescope. (RIGHT) (‘They fixed the Hubble space telescope.’)

f) Only a few people on the shuttle had a job. (WRONG) (‘Each person on the shuttle had a job.’)

Exercice 3

a) Citez : ‘She worked hard to make it happen.’

Réexprimer : Elle a travaillé dur pour devenir astronaute.

b) Citez : "Incredible," says McArthur. "Watching the sun rise and set is breathtaking. »

Réexprimer : Selon Megan voir la Terre depuis l’espace est une expérience incroyable et voir le lever et le coucher du soleil est à couper le souffle.

Explications : Voici les éléments de réponses, j’espère n’avoir rien oublié ! Bon courage !

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