Réponse :
Day 1
Dear Diary,
I’ve never been so worried about the world ! Firstly, the president announced that the end of the lockdown might be on May, 11th but I have doubts and I’m worried. How could anything go back to normal ? I sometimes go to the grocery store to get some things for home, and I feel like I’m living a nightmare every time. I wear gloves, a mask and when I get home I changed my clothes and I disinfect every thing. I look forward to seeing some of my friends again and have normal social interactions.
That’s all for today,
Day 2
Dear Diary,
While some people live in small apartments, I’m feeling grateful to be surrounded by my family and have space. Lately, I have been enjoying spending time in the garden with my dog. What should I complain about ? Besides, we have been lucky in terms of weather ! I have been able to read in the garden and enjoy the sunshine. I feel less stressed.
So that’s pretty much all,
Day 3
Dear Diary,
First of all, I got a punishment today because I didn’t send my essay to my teacher last night. I’ve spent too much time playing video games and I forgot. What was I thinking ? I’m so annoyed at myself ! I think we are all overwhelmed by the events that we forget our priorities.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day !
Explications :
C’est un peu long donc je n’ai fait que trois jours pour vous donner des idées, j’espère que ça vous aidera malgré le délais. Bon courage !
En savoir plus sur : https://nosdevoirs.fr/devoir/56407