Réponse :
How old is she ? around 15
What did she like doing before being bullied ?
a. She used to like walking home from school
b. She used to like kicking the leaves around
c. She used to like football
d. She used to like the colour yellow
What about NOW ?
a. She doesn’t like school
b. She’s doesn’t like football
c. She’s doesn’t like walking anywhere especially on her own
How does she feel NOW ?
a. She is scared
b. She feels alone
c. She feels she’s worthless
What’s her problem ?
She is being bullied
Does she know why she’s being bullied ? Does she know her bullies ?
No she doesn’t know why she’s being bullied. She thinks she knows them and that they went to her old school.
Explain with your own words
I think of what they might do to me : It’s all I can think about… I think of how they would hurt me… They are here…
--- I'm always worried about what they might do to me because they are following me and they want to hurt me.
How many times does she repeat her name ? Why ?
6 times, to show that this is her story. But I think it’s symbolic to say that Holly represents all the victims of bullying.
How does the video end ? What do all the voices say ? Why ?
In the end, we see all students rescuing her and saying ‘we are here for Holly’. It’s to show that she is not alone and that they are here together to stand against her bullies.
Explications : Voilà j'ai répondu à toutes les questions, j'espère que ça vous aidera.
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