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Je dois faire un texte en anglais pour raconter un film que j'ai aimé ou détesté, die pourquoi, ce qui m'a le plus plu ou qui m'a énervé (le jeu des personnages, l'intrigue, la façon dont le film est fait…) et donner : le titre, le nom du réalisateur et sa nationalité, la date de sortie.
Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait essayer de me faire un texte sur n'importe quel film s'il vous plaît j'ai réellement besoin de vous
MERCI d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

voila ma réponse

Explications :

When a severe hurricane hits his hometown of Florida, Hayley ignores evacuation orders to search for his missing father. She finds him seriously injured in the basement of the family home and realizes that they are both threatened by a flood progressing at a worrying speed. As a race against the clock begins to flee the hurricane, Haley and his father understand that the flood is far from the most terrifying threat awaiting them .

the movie is Crawl directed by will smith

Undoubtedly a very good entertainment signed Alexandre Aja. And only good entertainment. Because in spite of himself, the spectator will find himself caught in the turmoil drawn by the intrigue and feel at times a suspense sometimes unbearable, causing him inevitably to jump on some jump scares. Because whatever you say, "Crawl" is effective. Very effective. Yet the film is short-lived (88 minutes, credits included), but it is clear, crisp and ... concise. Ahaaa you expected "precise" huh? Well, no. I cannot pronounce this word due to some inconsistencies which I will discuss a little later. In short, the opening does not suggest anything about these faults because the setting up of the context is good and allows itself the luxury of taking the time to start despite the short length of the work. Better still, all the elements are brought together with method and precision. Small details that may seem insignificant like certain accessories, but whose future importance is underlined by the filmmaker's camera. Nothing superfluous then. We are brought to Florida, a region occasionally swept by cyclones. Precisely, a hurricane threatens to ravage the region, a person remains unreachable, police officers are striving to close the area, and all this near an attraction that normally attracts the curiosity of people. Under these conditions, it is not very difficult to guess what will happen, especially when you know that such a climatic event can send the equivalent of several years of rain in the space of a few dozen hour. But fortunately, the whole is sufficiently well put together, with the added bonus of good music which contributes to putting the spectator in the bath up to the neck by reinforcing the anxiety-inducing side. But above all, we have an excellent performance from Kaya Scoledario, which at the same time becomes the main asset of the film, splashing with all his talent the ugly stupid. Obviously, the spectator can take full advantage of this spectacle offered by this sort of camera, on condition of not being a purist. Although even without being a purist, it will be difficult not to notice enormities: difficult to admit that such an animal is unable to break a simple shower screen! Or that the simple soap holder can support the weight of a human being. Well I will not cite all the inconsistencies because there are still quite a few. They are nonetheless regrettable in the sense that this multitude of small things that do not flow from source harms the quality of what could have been a major feature film of the genre and creates a stir in the satisfaction of the public. "Crawl" remains, however, a particularly biting cinematic hurricane, surprisingly without overly gory images.