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Mettez ces phrases à la voix passive : (attention aux temps !!!! Identifie -les ) Exprimez le complément d’agent que si nécessaire
1 – The killer knows the victim / Temps = .................. .......................................................................
2 – The policemen will question the witness. / Temps = .................. .........................................................................
3 - They are writing a police report / Temps = .................. ..........................................................................................
4 – The policemen were looking for clues / Temps = .................. .....................................................................................................
5 - The police has not caught the thief yet / Temps = .................. ..................................................................................
6 -The murderer shot the victim / Temps = .................. .........................................................................................
7 – The burglar broke into the house / Temps = .................. ..................................................................................
8 – She was questioning the witnesses. / Temps = .................. ..........................................................................................
9 – The killer would strangle the victim / Temps = .................. ...................................................................................
10 – They stole a valuable painting / Temps = ..................

Sagot :

Réponse :

voila ma réponse

Explications :

the vitim xas knowed by the killer

the witness will be question by the policeman

a police report is writing by they

the thief has not be caught by the police yet

the victim was shoted by the murder

the house was broke by the burglar

the witness xas questionning by she

the victim was stragle by the killer

the painting was stole by they

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