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Sagot :
Réponse :
1. The gold ring is more expensive than the silver ring. // The gold ring is not as expensive as the silver ring.
2. The bus leaves earlier than the train .// The train doesn’t leave as early as the bus.
3. Maths is more difficult than language to me.// Maths isn’t as difficult as language to me.
4. I’m younger than my husband. // My husband isn’t as young as me.
5. Yesterday my brother arrived home later than me. // Yesterday I didn’t arrived home as late as my brother.
Adjectifs longs :
Adjectifs courts :
( les adjectifs finissant par « y » changent le « y » en « i" )
(-Les adjectifs d’une syllabe sont des adjectifs COURTS
- Les adjectifs longs à partir de DEUX syllabes sauf pour ceux qui se terminent par -Y, -er ou -ow)
-The gold ring is more expensive than the silver ring. The silver ring isn’t more expensive than the gold ring.
-The bus leaves earlier than the train.The train doesn’t leave earlier than the bus.
-For me maths is more difficult than language. For me language is less difficult than maths.
-Im younger than my husband. My husband is less young than me.
-my brother arrived later than me. I arrived less later than my brother.
-The gold ring is more expensive than the silver ring. The silver ring isn’t more expensive than the gold ring.
-The bus leaves earlier than the train.The train doesn’t leave earlier than the bus.
-For me maths is more difficult than language. For me language is less difficult than maths.
-Im younger than my husband. My husband is less young than me.
-my brother arrived later than me. I arrived less later than my brother.
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