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Bonjour, je suis en classe de 3e et ma prof d'anglais me demande de faire un paragraphe (environs 6 phrases) avec les mots suivants: Be against the leader, Obey the rules, fall in love, wear a uniform, listen or play music, rea or write.
Voilà, merci beaucoup (en avance)

Sagot :


The first day of my return to college, I was terrified. But everything went better after finding my class and my main teacher, she was really pretty that I quickly noticed that the boys fell in love with her just by looking at her. The older ones wore uniforms to make a good impression in front of her. In class, she asked us to respect the college rules written in our notebook that she gave us. During the 10 am recess, most students often repeat: "Be against the leader". I did not understand anything at all so I went to talk to a friend who was at the CDI. As soon as I had a word, the supervisor whispered to us: "read or write!". I did not understand all of a sudden that made me think of my music teacher: "listen or play music!". And suddenly, I found myself in my bed, phew a simple dream!