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bonjour y a t-il des erreurs ? merci !

We have two documents, an extract of a black mirror, episode 1 season 3, which is called nosedive as well as an extract of a video where China ranks «good» and «bad» citizens with social credit system
What is thought control?
Thought control is a manipulative tactic used in many areas of life. It is a danger, because it imposes particular ways of thinking as being right and others as being wrong.
In the black mirror series, have understood that technology, can lead us to a dystopian future
Because we almost all seek to be appreciated and gave an image that is not us! Social media, smartphones and ratings are all very present in our everyday life
We try to make us believe that the more different we are, the better we will be, yet they control our thinking so that precisely, we look like the other
Indeed, we are not free to do what we want
Though the tech described in Nosedive is already accessible, the social rating system in Nosedive is still far from becoming a reality. For example, China’s social credit system is chilling.
Is the life we live in maybe dystopia?
In china, everyone wants to be a good citizen in order to be recognized, society can make them do what it wants, the problem is that everyone will have the same way of thinking

However, people are blinded by the fact of being advantaged that they forget their rights!
The two documents have in common: the subject of the thought control

To conclude, the society is manipulative, she controls our thoughts and we are heading straight for a dystopian future
In china, they have a facility to do things to citizens without them realizing it, and Lacie pound in black mirror proves that we want to be like everyone else, we no longer have our own opinion

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