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Sagot :
Réponse :Part 1:
Teenage is a period of upheaval that will influence the behavior of the young person in relation to adult life. He will try to find meaning in his life and his existence by testing new things, by renewing himself in his bubble, by getting away from society.
Today, young people tend to put themselves in danger in order to speed up the socialization process, using mimetic behavior: to succeed in integrating within a group, the young adopted a lifestyle different, in order to imitate the members of this group, and to show their belonging to it. The adolescent is always in a quest for identity, we could call this phenomenon "rite of passage" from adolescence to adulthood, he is in a period of self-search, therefore of new experiences (learning of his own limits ).
In my opinion, it is normal and beneficial to take risks, especially when you are young, such as smoking, drinking, partying, going up on rooftops or even being arrested by the police. In fact, risks allow young people to learn lessons and mistakes and especially to understand why they are mistakes. When a teenager takes no risk, he does not differentiate between good and bad, which can represent a much greater risk with greater consequences later. Take the example of a person who never stole a pencil from a classmate. Later, as he was never punished for stealing this pencil, he would steal money and eventually end up in jail. Without taking risks, the child does not know the error and especially why it is an error. If he does not know what an error is, then he will repeat it, but with more serious consequences. The same goes for children who are overprotected by their parents. If the parents leave no freedom to their child, when he is a teenager, he will test his limits later and with greater risks, which will put his life more at risk.
Part 2: Before this year, I hate English and especially English lessons. I have always had difficulty understanding this language but also speaking, and I have an accent that can be considered very average. This new way of learning English is more suitable for me because it allows me to learn by communicating directly with others without being ashamed of it, given that we all have rather average English and especially of the same level, there therefore has no rivalry. In addition, this way of learning by interaction, by speaking and not by writing in a notebook, makes this practice less strenuous and less academic. On the other hand, I do not have the impression that I have improved my English a lot, apart from the consolidation of a few vocabulary words, new studied concepts that I did not know before.
Good luck ♥
Réponse :
Hi !
1rs part:
Adolescence is a period of upheaval that will influence a young person's behaviour in relation to his or her adult life. They will try to find meaning in their lives and their existence by trying new things, by shutting themselves away in their bubble, by withdrawing from society.
Nowadays, the young person tends to put himself in danger in order to speed up the socialization process, with the help of mimetic behaviour: in order to achieve integration within a group, the young person adopts a different way of life, in order to imitate the members of this group, and to show his belonging to it. The teenager is always in a quest for identity, we could call this phenomenon "rite of passage" from adolescence to adulthood, he is in a period of self-search, therefore of new experiences (learning of his own limits).
In my opinion, it is normal and beneficial to take risks, especially when one is young, such as smoking, drinking, partying, climbing on rooftops or risking being arrested by the police. In fact, risks allow young people to learn from their mistakes and to understand why they make mistakes. When a young person does not take any risks, he or she does not know the difference between right and wrong, which can represent a much greater risk with greater consequences later on. Take the example of someone who has never stolen a pencil from a classmate. Later, because he has never been punished for stealing that pencil, he will steal money and eventually end up in jail.Without taking risks, the child does not know what is wrong and especially why it is wrong. If he does not know what a mistake is, then he will repeat it, but with more serious consequences. The same is true for children who are overprotected by their parents. If the parents do not give their child any freedom, when he is a teenager, he will test his limits later on and by greater risks, which will put his life at greater risk.
2nd part:
Before this year, I hated English and especially English classes. I have always had difficulty understanding this language but also speaking it, and I have an accent that can be considered as very average. This new way of learning English suits me more because it allows me to learn by communicating directly with others without being ashamed of it, since we all have a rather average English and especially of the same level, so there is no rivalry. Moreover, this way of learning in interaction, by speaking and not by writing in a notebook, makes this practice less painful and less academic. On the other hand, I don't feel that I've improved my English much, apart from consolidating a few words of vocabulary, new concepts studied that I didn't know before.
Have a nice day,
Explications :
if you have any question i'll be right here :)
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