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Bonjour à tous je suis nouveau et j'aimerais un peu d'aide à mon devoir d'anglais que je galère depuis deux jours maintenant C'est une vidéo avec un texte avec 4 petits exercices mais je n'y arrive pas pouvez vous m'aider svp merci d'avance bonne chance.
A video :
A- What sort of document is this ?
□ a film
□ a documentary
□ a cartoon
□ an advert for a TV channel website
□ other

B- What did you understand ?
Where ? __________________________________________________________________

Who ?____________________________________________________________________

What ?____________________________________________________________________

Why ?____________________________________________________________________

C- Complete the script :

This recently discovered _______________________ of penguins is unlike any other.
They don't need to huddle _______________________ every winter for ______________
against the bitter__________________ because these little fellows can do something no other penguins can.
Isn't that ____________________ ?
And how do they use this ______________________ ability ? Well, they ______________
thousands of miles to the Rainforest of South ______________________ where they spend
the winter basking in the _________________ sun.

D-Now, match the words and phrases with the correct definition :

1- a colony of ...
2- huddle together
3- the bitter cold
4- fellows
5- incredible ability
6- the rainforest
7- basking in the sun

a) stand or sit closely together
b) a tropical forest
c) informal word for 'people' or 'animals'
d) sit and relax in the sun
e) the extreme cold
f) something amazing that someone can do
g) a large group of the same type of animal living together

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

A- a documentary

B- Je suis pas sure deso

C-This recently discovered colony of penguins is unlike any other.

They don't need to huddle together every winter for protection

against the bitter cold because these little fellows can do something no other penguins can.

Isn't that amazing ?

And how do they use this incredible ability ? Well, they fly

thousands of miles to the Rainforest of South America where they spend

the winter basking in the tropical sun.









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