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Sagot :

1.) He had problems when he was in grade school.

2.) The bully was named DeAngelo Bailey.

3.) He was beaten up in the bathrooms or hallways and shaved in the lockers.

4.) He was bullied because he moved around a lot and was always the new kid.

5.) He made his way by rapping, it was the solution during this tough phase of his life.

6.) The synonym for « to solve a problem » is overcome and the synonym for  « a difficult time » is a tough phase.

7.) The others had more chicks and better clothes.

8.) The only thing Eminem wanted from those people was RESPECT.

9.) Eminem had headaches, nausea and antisocial behavior because of the bullying.

10.) On a snowy day, his bullies flipped him right on his head with a « snowball containing a heavy object or a piece of ice » while they were playing  « King of the Hill » before beating him up. When Eminem wasn’t moving anymore, the bullies ran and lied that he slipped on the ice. As a result of that attack, Eminem suffered from a concussion and a temporary loss of vision in one eye.

11.) The synonym of « tease »someone is : mess with and The synonym of « beat » is hit.

11.) He now talks about this bullying experience to help people that have been through similar situations. He wants to let them know that they are not alone.

Voilà j’espère t’avoir aidé passe une bonne soirée :)
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