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Bonsoir à vous!

J'ai besoin de l'aide pour corriger mon texte en Anglais.
Lesser moi vous expliqué !
Nous devons écrire un texte en Anglais à propos du "Gap-Year" ("une année sympathique").
Mais nous devons suivre les contraintes (ou objectifs) à suivre.
Surtout il y a une contrainte avec la quelle j'ai énormément du mal:
⭐Contraintes grammaticaux:
- Utilisation du superlatif et comparatif.
- Utilisation du present perfect et du prétérit.
- Utilisation du futur.
- Utiliser de pronoms relatifs.

Si vous trouvez des erreurs quelconques, n'hésitez pas à m'écrire (m'aider)
Merci en avance !
Le voici :
Hi everyone!
My name is Kate and today I will tell you about "my first three months in Australia"

Firstly, let me tell you why I decided to take a Gap-Year:
Well, my life was according to one scenario:
Wake up => go to school => go home => Homework => go sleep.
Boring, isn't it?
I wanted...to see something new, to, you know, "recharging my soul". That's why I decided to take an adventurous Gap-Year in Australiafor for 10 months!

So, let's start!

First month: "Modern side of Australia "

To begin with, I decided to go at Sydney.
I was arrived on 22th may, at 10:00 pm. (Australia hours)...and I was really surprised!
The day of my arrival was also the first day of "The Vivid festival "! It was amazing! Besides, I have already visited some festivals but this festival is better than all festivals I have ever seen! There was a lots of colors, light and music!

During this first month, I did a lots of activites like go to the beach (there are more than 70 beaches!) but one of them was really scary. I climbed Sydney Harbour Bridge! I was really scared! I don't know why but I was afraid of high. I was shaking with all my limbs... Yet, I find this experience very interesting!

Second month: "Back to nature and origins"

At second step, I wanted to discover a natur of Australia and here's first inhabitants, called "Aborigines".
That's why, I leavd a center of Sydney and went to " the Blue Mountain".

There's so many different ways to explore this magical place: by cableway, skyway, railway and walkway.
If you love nature, legends and history - I'm sure you will fond of this place!

For example, you can see "Three Sisters". The Aboriginal legend says that there was three sisters which were turned to stone.

I went to "the Waradah Aboriginal Center" too, and I discovered Aboriginal culture and heritage. (Like musical instruments or paintings)
I found this center very helpful for someone like me who never sawed Aboriginal. I loved it.

Thersd month: " Outback or wild Australia"

At this month, I wished to see the "Outback"
A wild part of Australia!
I have stayed at a farm (near to Alice Springs) of an farmer.Hi is really nice old man, James! I have helped him with his animals and fields, and on return, I could sleep at his house and have eat.
I have sawed a lots of animals, like dingo or kangaroo. (Ofcourse, I don't teach them).
James teaches me with snakes are dangerous, which plants are good for healing and ext. He has internet but it's really bad.

Finally, let me tell you my plans for last seven months. I will probably stay at Outback until 1 month. After that, I will probably go to Melbourne and Canberah.
If I will have some time, I would like to see Hobart and Kangaroo Island!

Thank you, see you!

Sagot :

I arrived on May 22nd*


Like going to the beach *

I was afraid of the height*

I found this experience *

At the second step*

His first inhabitants *? Je ne suis pas sûre de ce que tu as voulu dire

I left the center of Sidney*

There are so many different ways *

You will be fond of *

Three sisters who were turned *

Who never saw *

I stayed *

Of a farmer *

I helped him *

I could sleep at his house and have food *

I saw a lot of animals *

James taught me that snakes are dangerous *

Voilà :)

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