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(slave labour, banksy 2012)

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Bonjour Quelquun Peut Maider Svp Cest Pour Ce Soir Ou Demain Introduce Describe And Explain Slave Labour Banksy 2012 Vous Pouvez Me Lécrire En Français Si Vous class=

Sagot :

Salut ! Voici :

Banksy is an anonymous urban artist (= street art) who transmits messages through his art, graffiti is forbidden in the UK. "Slave Labor" is in Poundland at Wood Green in London in 2012. Since then this work has been removed and repainted.

This graffiti is in black and white : we see a young boy barefoot, with a cap turned upside down. He is kneeling on the ground, sewing with a sewing machine. He is sewing UK "Union Jack" flags. There is also a great contrast in colour, black is dominant and gives a "sal" effect to this graffiti. The fact that he is curved, not sitting on a chair, and looks sad, can highlight that he is not working in good conditions and in a dilapidated place.

Banksy clearly denounces child labour by some companies in the UK. The fact that the child sews flag by flag shows that he is contributing to the enrichment of the country, it reflects the country but nobody knows this because child labour is prohibited in many countries. We may buy clothes made by children but we do not care under what conditions they do it, let alone that they are children.

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