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bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez à faire un texte inventée sur ce que vous avez fait hier le temps est le prétérit. Ce texte fera 10 lignes

Sagot :

Hello ! Yesterday, I did my homework, I found that dificult.

My mother did a cake and it was very weel.

I also played with my little brother/sister. We did board games and I won, she/he was very sad so we replayed a game and this time she/he won.

I'm so proud of her/him.

Then, I went outside for call my friend to he comes to sleep in my house with me, my mom was ok for that.

In the evening, we did pizza and and for the dessert, we ate the cake of my mother.

He was left around noon the next day.

Réponse :

Hello ! Yesterday, I did my homework, I found it difficult.

My mother made a cake in the afternoon.  

I also played with my little brother/sister. We played at board games and I won, she/he was very sad so we played again and this time I let him win (je l'ai laissé gagner.) He/she was so proud of him/her.

Then I went outside and sees a friend of mine. I wanted to have a sleepover (soirée pyjama) and I asked my mother if he/she could sleep at my home. My mother agreed and we ate pizza for lunch and my mother's

my friend left the next day around noon.

J'ai juste corrigé le texte que Mimi0708 a posté (remercie-la , pas moi, qui n'ai fait que corriger son texte.)

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