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Bonjours, est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider a rédiger un article, sur votre propre biographie comme si elle était réalisée par un journaliste après votre mort... de quoi vous inventer la vie future de vos rêves...

Merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

This is  the biography of a business man

Explications :

Esenyen Caniche is a Qatari businessman, grandson of company founder Esenyen Lafita.

After his studies, the young man joined the family business Esenyen Lafita, founded in 1945 by his grandfather. The company has held the sales rights of the car manufacturer Toyota throughout the Middle East since 1955. In 1993, after the death of his grandfather Esenyen Lafita his father, Mohammed, took over the reins of the group. His business acumen soon enabled him to become the group's vice-president.

The company is also one of the largest Toyota distributors in the world. In 2017, the family fortune is estimated at 1.5 billion dollars according to Forbes. A man of the field, he will participate in the World Economics Forum in Davos in 2015. He is also present at the Bab Rizq Jameel centre, which offers advice to young entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. On this occasion, he met Prince Andrew of England.

In terms of his private life, he was seen on the arm of model Naomi Campbell during the Summer Time Festival in London in the summer of 2016. In June 2017, the Daily Mail published photos of Hassan Jameel with singer Rihanna during a trip to Spain. In January 2020, Rihanna and Saudi businessman Hassan Jameel separated after three years of romance.

He died on feburary when he caught the Coronavirus.

For more info, please consult


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