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Bonsoir svp aider moi merci d'avance
Complétez chaque phrase avec le verbe entre parenthèses conjugué au temps qui convient et expliquer pourquoi vous avez choisi ce temps.

21. If I………………………………(have) a lot of money, I wouldn’t work and I would
stay the whole day at home!
22. The weather……………………………..(be) better so far this week. We are lucky!
23. It …………………………..(be) weeks since I went there.
24. She would like us……………………………..(help) her.
25. I have promised to help you and I…………………………….(keep) my word.
26. I don’t understand what you…………………………………….(talk) about.
27. Your hair……………………………(look) as if it…………………………………
(not be cut) for years.
28. What……………………………………….(you/ work) at when I rang you up?
29. It ………………………….(be) like this ever since he………………………… (settle)
in the country.
30. When the accident took place, we…………………………(have) a drink in a bar.Bonsoir svp aider moi merci d'avance
Complétez chaque phrase avec le verbe entre parenthèses conjugué au temps qui convient et expliquer pourquoi vous avez choisi ce temps.

21. If I………………………………(have) a lot of money, I wouldn’t work and I would
stay the whole day at home!
22. The weather……………………………..(be) better so far this week. We are lucky!
23. It …………………………..(be) weeks since I went there.
24. She would like us……………………………..(help) her.
25. I have promised to help you and I…………………………….(keep) my word.
26. I don’t understand what you…………………………………….(talk) about.
27. Your hair……………………………(look) as if it…………………………………
(not be cut) for years.
28. What……………………………………….(you/ work) at when I rang you up?
29. It ………………………….(be) like this ever since he………………………… (settle)
in the country.
30. When the accident took place, we…………………………(have) a drink in a bar.

Sagot :

21) If i had
22)has been
23)has been
24)to help
25)I am keeping /keep
26)you’re talking
27)looks- hasn’t been cut
28)were you working
29)has been - settled
30)were having
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