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Pour l'intro débute avec une amorce: "I chose go have faith; because without that I have nothing" quoted Michael Scofield during the show prison break
Apres fait un mini résumé (sans trop spoiler la serie bien sur) ya tj des gens qui vont pas connaitre
Tu cale ton intro :I'm going to talk about the Prison Break séries wich shows us 33 characters not all happ in the same season.
J'ai pas très bien compris ta problématique, il faut vraiment qu'il y ait un point de rupture is the importance of the acting linked to the differents characters of the series? (Est ce que l'importance du jeu d'acteur est lié au différents personnages de la série?)
All first of all I would like to talk about Whentworth Miller alias Michael Scofield who is an inmate at the Fox River in the show and his so-called brother Dominic Purcell alias Lincoln Burrows who is already in prison before Michael Scofield. En vrai ta première partie elle est bien mais n'ai pas peur de développer
Secondly, I will talk about their acting,wich show us the public that the unreal can become real.
What I liked about their acting is that they pay attention to every detail, for example when Michael Scofield with his plan to escape with All his prison friends with the plan drown on his body,(la va falloir reformuler ) but each time he takes takes a sick time To reconstruct the plan from his body, to the air vents, what he did is that behind the sink of his prison room he managed to figure out how To get down into the air vents.
In one season Dominic Purcell forgets his brother Michael Scofield it is how they manage To play both emotion and action and it is going to tell about how to escape like having a brother relationship who and in the same boat and saving his friends but who prefers To save his own skin and his brother.
Therefore, it is necassary to look at the series to understand how first of All how is filmed the series, how the series and To turn most often in the Prison room, how the actors have this capacity To play a role To see severeal...
Fait attention du coup la conclusion répond pas vraiment a la problématique de départ…
Une autre idée de problématique si tu veux: "is it necessary to watch a series to understand how it was filmed?"
Mais je te conseille vraiment de changer de conclusion, en gros tu prend la problématique et tu l'a transformé en une affirmation + tu rajoutes quelques arguments (des paragraphes précédents) et hop, le tour est joué…
Bonne chance
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