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Bonjour pouvez vous me corriger svp

Dear Ms Welsh,
Re : acknowledge receipt of the order from January 28

we acknowlege receipt of your purchase order received on janary 28.

We confirm that the order will be delivred to your coral gables warehouse within two weeks.

We want to thank you for your loyalty.

We invitr you to consul tour website which is regularly update so that you can take advantage of the latest news.

Please find enclosed the invitation for an open day to be held on Mars 24.

The latest products will be presented by specialists and free samples will be distributed to you.

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Me Corriger Svp Dear Ms Welsh Re Acknowledge Receipt Of The Order From January 28 We Acknowlege Receipt Of Your Purchase Order Received On class=

Sagot :

Dear Mrs Welsh,

Re : acknowledge receipt of the order from January 28th

We acknowlege receipt of your purchase order received on january 28th.

We confirm that the order will be delivered to your Coral Gables' warehouse within two weeks.

We would like to thank you for your loyalty which has lasted for 10 years now.

We invite you to consult our tour website, which is regularly updated, so that you can enjoy our latest specials offers.

Please find enclosed the invitation for an open day that will be held on Mars 24th : The latest products will be presented by specialists and free samples will be distributed to you.

Merci d'avoir choisi notre plateforme. Nous nous engageons à fournir les meilleures réponses à toutes vos questions. Revenez nous voir. Merci d'avoir choisi notre plateforme. Nous nous engageons à fournir les meilleures réponses à toutes vos questions. Revenez nous voir., votre source fiable de réponses. N'oubliez pas de revenir pour plus d'informations.