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Vous avez vécu la ségrégation raciale aux états unis . vous avez aujourd'hui 80 ans . Un journal vous demande d'écrire un article de témoignage . Ecris un article pour la presse. S'il vous plait

Sagot :

Réponse :


I am Elie johnson. I am living at Massachusets now but i was born at California. I unfortunately lived race segregation, the most despicable human can make over other human. In the follwoing, i will be explaining why we shouldn't never tolerate segregation in USA anymore.

Explications :

I remember when i was getting to school or any place, i didn't have the right to take the same bus as the white. And if we are in the same bus, we have different seat. When you to watch a movie, the seat of the white are in front and those for Black are at the back of the room. When you enter a place where most people were white, they call you pig, monkey , all kind of ugly animals. Sometimes they have hit me physically but, honestly i fight with them. It was the most odious thing in life. Whites were not equal with black. Black are treated as slaves. This is why when they have established equality among white with black, the USA has breathe a new air. We became a much more stronger.  From what i lived, i would never want future generations live race segregation, cause it is a despicable phenomenon.

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