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- Frankenstein
Complétez ce texte sur Frankenstein en utilisant les pronoms relatifs who, which, where et whose.

The man ... 1 decided to create Frankenstein was a doctor. He wanted to give birth to a per
human being ... 2 would surpass any other being. In order to give life to this ca
body parts ... 3 he found in cemeteries or mortuaries, ... 4 he spent most of his nights.
The creature, ... 5 name was Frankenstein, turned out to be ugly, so ugly that his master felt disgusted ans ran away from him.
The monster, ... 6 had feelings, resented his situation. He wanted to make friends with
people, ... 7 kept rejecting him,
because they were frightened by him. Frankenstein was ravaged by sadness and wished to take revenge on his master, ... 8 had left him alone.​

Sagot :


The man who decided to create Frankenstein was a doctor. He wanted to give birth to a per

human being which would surpass any other being. In order to give life to this ca

body parts which he found in cemeteries or mortuaries, where he spent most of his nights.

The creature, whose name was Frankenstein, turned out to be ugly, so ugly that his master felt disgusted ans ran away from him.

The monster, which had feelings, resented his situation. He wanted to make friends with

people, who kept rejecting him,

because they were frightened by him. Frankenstein was ravaged by sadness and wished to take revenge on his master, who had left him alone.

Bonne continuation.

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