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Traduction en Français :

Le temps du film Regardez un film imaginant un avenir et :
- Résumez le film - Expliquez si vous êtes d'accord ou pas d'accord avec sa vision futuriste
- Y a-t-il quelque chose de réaliste ou pas? Exemples de films: Gattaca, Hunger Games, Blade Runner, Nausicaa de la Vallée du Vent ...)

Pouvezvous Maider Sil Vous Plaît Je Narrive Pas Pas Traduction En Français Le Temps Du Film Regardez Un Film Imaginant Un Avenir Et Résumez Le Film Expliquez Si class=

Sagot :

Réponse : Summary :  ‘The Hunger Games’ is a trilogy set in our world, but in a post-apocalyptic time. Panem is divided into twelve districts which are governed by the Capitol. As punishment for a revolution in the past, the Capitol created the Hunger Games. One boy and one girl from twelve to eighteen years old are chosen from each district to fight until only one child remains. These games are filmed in live like a reality show.

The main character is Katniss Everdeen. She volunteers in the place of her younger sister Primrose for District Twelve. And the boy who accompanies her is Peeta Mellark, the son of a baker, who is in love with her.

At the end of the Games, only Peeta and Katniss remain, so each refuses to kill the other. Instead, they decide to eat poisoned berries so that there is no winner for the Capitol. The Capitol allows the couple to win together instead of being humiliated. Katniss becomes a symbol for the revolution of all the districts.

2) I agree with this futuristic vision because reality tv is extremely popular. Unfortunately this kind of tv program is always on the lookout for new concepts that will generate public interest even if this means showing violent behaviours. So showing people killing each other just to entertain wealthy people is not entirely unrealistic.

3) It is realistic because the author Suzanne Collins was inspired by current events, crises and politics to write the books. The idea of democracy is gone in the Hunger Games, replaced by totalitarian fascism. This is already the case today in some countries such as China and it could be the future of other countries with the rise of extreme right parties. In the past, totalitarian regimes such as Hitler’s regime created extermination camps, in the future they could create games to exterminate those who are against their regime.

Explications : J'ai choisi Hunger Games parce que je connais bien le sujet et je trouve que le film est assez réaliste vu que l'auteur s'est inspirée de faits passés et actuels.

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