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Bonjour besoin de votre aide pour mon exercice d'anglais niveau 3ème

Complète par le pronom relatif qui convient :
who, which, thot ou Ø.
a. I sent an email to my brother ... lives in Australia.

b. I broke a glass ... was brand new.

c. The movie ... I saw yesterday was rubbish.

d. Is this the umbrella ... you lost?

e. Do you know the girl ... is sitting over there?

f. Can you bring me the book ... is on the table?​

Sagot :

a. who

b. which

c. that / Ø

d. that / Ø

e. who

f. which

Réponse :

a. I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia.

b. I broke a glass that/which was brand new.

c. The movie Ø I saw yesterday was rubbish. (that est inutile là)

d. Is this the umbrella Ø you lost? (that est inutile là)

e. Do you know the girl who  is sitting over there?

f. Can you bring me the book which is on the table?​

Explications : that et which pour les objets en générrl, who les personnes Ø quand on peut omettre le that car il n'est pas nécessaire à la compréhension