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"Sad Clown"
A few days ago, I had a really strange dream. I was standing on a long, narrow
road that leads to my school. It was strangely quiet. No wind was blowing, no
birds were singing and no insect were chirping. The road was empty and there
was nobody else around. I began walking.
Just then, I got the strangest feeling that someone was watching me. Looking
back over my shoulder, I spotted a small figure in the distance. It seemed to be
running at full speed. I kept walking, but every time I glanced behind me, the figure was closer. The whole
thing made me uneasy. It just kept gaining on me, drawing closer and closer.
At one point, I stopped and looked back. The figure had stopped too. It was just standing there in the
middle of the road, staring at me. When I started walking again, the figure began running after me.
Eventually, the figure got close enough for me to make out his face.
It was a clown. One of those sad clowns you see in paintings. He was dressed in a shabby hat and a
threadbare coat, like a hobol. The way he was looking at me really frightened me and for a momenti
thought, "If he catches me, he will kill me."
I wanted to run, but for some reason I couldn't. My legs felt heavy and I could barely lift my feet. The clown
kept getting closer and closer. The next time I glanced back, I could see the clown's eyes. He was crying..]
"Sad Clown"
From the website, 2014

Sagot :

Réponse :

1/ someone, it, the figure, clown, sad clown (pour la première question, le reste tu dois pouvoir le trouver seul


2 A few days ago, just then, At one point, Eventually

3/ Beaucoup d'actions de déplacement (walking qui devient running quand le narrateur se sent observé.) Mais elles passent également par les regards échangés entre le narrateur et le clown qui le poursuit ( looking back, spotted, watching puis stopped and looked back, puis retour à la marche "walking."

Le narrateur découvre alors qu'il s'agit d'un clown et bien qu'il veuille courir à nouveau il ne peux pas (couln't, My legs felt heavy and I could barely lift my feet.) puis il utilise la vue une dernière fois (glanced back) pour apercevoir un clown qui pleure

Explications :

Dans ce texte le narrateur i regarde la "chose" qui le poursuit. Cette chose qui l'observe (watch et finit par s'approcher de lui "close enough", puis "closer and closer") le narrateur accélère car il est effrayé et se remet à marcher au milieu du texte. Puis , à la fin du texte, alors que la peur s'empare une nouvelle fois, de lui il ne parvient plus à courir et jette uun dernier coup d'oeil en direction du clown qui pleure

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