Réponse :
a) Yesterday, I MISSED my bus
b) Did you WALK back home ?
c) No, I PHONED my dad, but he didn’t ANSWER his phone !
d) So I WALKED to school but I ARRIVED very late !
2/ ( Tu choisis la forme affirmative ou négative en fonction de toi. Regarde la formation des phrases affirmatives et négatives…la marque du prétérit est dans l’auxiliaire ( did) et pas dans le verbe pour les phrases négatives )
a)Yes, I TIDIED my room last weekend // No, I didn’t TIDY my room last weekend.
b) Yes, I DID my homework yesterday. // No, I didn’t DO my homework yesterday.
c) Yes, I GOT a good mark last week. // No, I didn’t get a good mark last week.
d) Yes, I PHONED a friend last night. // No, I didn’t PHONE a friend last night.
a) Yesterday, we WERE at school, but Rachel WAS away.
b) She WAS in bed with a cold.
c) Last Saturday, I WAS dead tired.
d) My parents WERE at the cinema last night.
e) When WERE you born ? - In 1999.
( Rappel le prétérit de BE :
I / He / She/ It WAS
We / You /They WERE )
« I’m sorry, Miss, I’m late, but this morning I DIDN’T HEAR the alarm clock, and so I DIDN’ T GET UP at 7.30, but at 8 !
I FINISHED my cornflakes and orange juice in 5 minutes !
I OPENED the door and my dog BARKED with joy.
He HAD mud all over him I YELLED : »No, Rex! Don’t » but too late ! He JUMPED on me and COVERED my uniform with mud !
I WAS angry, but I DIDN’T SHOW it because my dog is very sensitive.
Then I CLEANED my uniform and I finally WALKED to school.
But I WAS dead tired, you see, si I DIDN’T WALK very fast »
Last year / Last month /Last week / The day before yesterday / Last Wednesday /Yesterday/Last afternoon/ Last night / This morning/ This evening
; )