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Svp aidez moi!

Svp aidez moi!

Imagine a situation that requires to ASK PERMISSION TO DO SOMETHING to someone.
It can be to your mother/father, to your grandmother, to your best friend, to your teacher, to a neighbour etc
You want to do something. You want him/her to let you do something...
Trouve le bon contexte de manière à ré-utiliser le plus d'éléments qu'on a vu en classe dans l'unité 5:
-adjectives of emotions like angry, excited, grumpy, cross, enthusiastic...,
-giving advice with could/should+BV,
-being polite by saying excuse me/sorry, please and thank you,
-asking permission with Can I, Could I, Would you mind...?,
-expressing annoyance with I'm sick of it! It really annoys me... for example by comparing your situation to a permission given to your sister or to somebody else.

You will write this production as a DIALOGUE. It is enough to present in a short narrated introduction the context of communication: When does it happen (morning, afternoon, evening, time, date, year if it is important?)? Where does the scene take place (at home, at school, on the street ...?)? Between whom and who? Then you put a dash at the beginning of the line at each change of contact. Give them names, it will be easier to identify them from time to time in your dialogue.

Sagot :

Introduction :

It’s Friday afternoon, after a whole week at school Mark is tired so his parents had to think about their son health, they will be passing the week end at his Monica’s house, his grandma .

Dialogue :

They arrived the Friday night at 9 pm , so when mark arrived , he give a kiss to his grandma and went straight to his bed.
The Saturday morning after the breakfast mark went playing football in the garden , one hour later he was really thirsty so he went to the kitchen,

Mark- Monica , can I have a glass of water please .
Monica - No problem my love , oh look outside it’s starting raining .
Mark started being grumpy .
Monica - Mark what’s wrong ?
Mark- I can’t play outside anymore , but I saw you , you were in the kitchen all the morning,what are you doing?
Monica - I was preparing the dinner , now I need to make the cake.
Mark started getting exited an enthusiastic about the word”cake”.
Mark- Please , oh please Monica may I help you .
Monica - What a polite request , of course my little love.
Mark - what should I do first?
Monica - You will need to pour one cup of flour , a half of sugar and I will crack the eggs.
Monica is preheating the oven , she is really happy to be with her grandchild .
Mark - Excuse me Monica ? What should I do next ?
Monica - You will need to mix it .
Mark - I did it , and now?
Monica -I will put it in the oven , we will need to wait 35 minutes, would you mind if we talk together?
Mark- No , about what ?
Monica - I saw that you were really tired , why?
Mark - Because of school , my best friend was really annoying!
Monica - Why do you say that?
Mark- When he says to his parent he doesn’t want to go to school they let him do everything he wants , but if I ask mummy or dad they will say no.
Monica- Oh , my love , don’t be sad about that , if your parents don’t want you to miss school it’s for your own good , you will understand when you will get bigger.
Mark- Okay , I love Monica.
Monica - Love you to , look the cake is ready.

Voila voila mdrr , bonne chance .
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