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Aide en anglais

J’arrive pas a faire un rédaction voici les consignes ;

- Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you at this time of night but....
- Hey ! Do you realize what time it is ? It’s nearly midnight !
- Yes I know but.....

Imagine the conversation between these two people. They don’t know each other. What does this stranger want ? Use at least one Present Simple, one Present Be +ing , one future, one Preterit, one Preterit be+ing, one Present Perfect, one Past Perfect and one reported speech.

Merci de me aider

Sagot :

Réponse :

- Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you at this time of night but....

- Hey ! Do you realize what time it is ? It’s nearly midnight !

- Yes, I know, but I need your help.

-Why do you need my help for? We have never met before (present perfect)

- That's the reason why I must talk to you about my problem.

- What are you talking about?

- If you let me explain, you will understand.(futur)

- Fine, tell me what your problem is.

- A few hours ago, my wife and I had (preterit) an argument and I decided to go out to change my mind. While I was walking (preterit be+ing : action en cours dans le passé) in the street, a man came to me and asked me if I could tell him what time it was (reported speech : je rapporte ce qu'a dit l'homme que j'ai croisé)). I was looking at (je regardais, action en cours dans le passé)  my watch when the guy punched me in the head. I was knocked out for a few seconds and when I got up I noticed that the man had just stolen (past perfect) me my keys. i immediately checked if I still have my mobile and it was there in my left pocket. I might call my wife but with our argument I am not sure she will answer the phone when she realizes (après when jamais de futur.) that it is my phone number. So, I wanted to ask you if you could phone my wife and ask her to pick me up.

- To pick you up at my place?

- Yes, I can't wait for her in the street, I don't want to meet the crasz guy again.

- OK, I'll call her but next time, knock at someone else's door.

Explications :

Un peu d'imagination est nécessaire et connaitre l'emploi de ces temps. difficile à expliquer sans passer par la révison complète de ces temps. Je t'ai mis de brèves indications entre parenthèses. je te conseille de changer les éléments du texte car quelqu'un ici à poser la même question que toi avc le même sujet et j'ai fait un copier-coller de ma réponse (donc si vous avez le même prof, il ou elle verra que vous vous êtes copiés :)