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Bonjours , est ce que vous pouver m'aider s'il vous plait sa fait 5 fois que je la reposte et c 'est pour tout a l'heure c'est important je vous en supplie

Merci pour celle ou celui qui m'aidera

Bonjours Est Ce Que Vous Pouver Maider Sil Vous Plait Sa Fait 5 Fois Que Je La Reposte Et C Est Pour Tout A Lheure Cest Important Je Vous En Supplie Merci Pour class=

Sagot :


Réponse :



This document is a video against  inequality between men and women

The famous actor Daniel Craigh is starring in the video.

This video was shot :  cocher la case « International women’s day


Yet it is 2011 and a man is still likely to earn more money…..

and unlike the 30 000 women in the UK …..what it might be like to be one

Women are responsible for 2/3 ( two thirds ) of the world done worldwide yet earn only 10 % ( ten per cent )of the total income and earn 1% ( one per cent ) of the property.

Every year 70 ( seventy ) million girls are deprived of even a basic education and a staggering 60 ( sixty ) million are sexually assaulted …

to our own homes at leas 1  in  4  are victims of domestic violence.

And every week 2  women in the UK are killed…


SOULIGNE DANS LE TEXTE : ( les comparatifs )

- «  MORE money THAN »  / « a far BETTER » /« are LESS likely » / « even MORE frightened »


This video was issued for International women’s day. Its aim is to talk  about violence made to women. It doesn’t show many actions just a man, later the same man disguised in women. There is no music, just a woman’s voice. She speaks to the man and to us, giving numbers. Telling how women are treated.


Daniel Craigh was chosen for the video because he represents James Bond, the strong handsome but misogynist male. The voice speaks to him, at the end this male wears a woman outfit. James Bond , wouldn’t have the same image as a women.

; )

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