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merci d'avance

Today a similar conflict that the battle of Dunkirk is reproduced 80 years later for the same reasons in Gaza , this conflict is caused by the confrontation of two different cultures , religions ( the Jewish and the Muslims ) and ideologies , the Muslim ideology and the Jewish ideology , but it’s also a conflict created by the Israelis who invade a Palestinian land every second . The Palestinians try to defend themselves
but unfortunately the Israelis have more weapons and more troops ( coming from the USA ) , We can see the conflict in Gaza is the same as in Dunkirk ; we have 2 ideologies ( the nazis and the others in the 2nd World War and the Muslims and the Jewish today ) who face off in multiples battles to finally conquer lands . Finally it’s very sad to see that today , we do the same errors again even if we saw the repercussions that they had in the past . The part is that this countries use the religion for political conflicts , as 60 years ago …

Sagot :


Il n'y a pas de fautes dans ton texte