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bonjour, j'ai un petit devoir en anglais a faire pourriez vous m'aider svpp
voici l'énoncé :

Here is a multiple choice quiz. I want you :
a- To give the correct answer
b- Explain your choice. You can, if possible, explain it with the grammar rule (search on the Internet if you can’t find)). This explanation will be done in French.
c- To write a sentence on the same model

1- No sooner………………. everyone started to gossip about him
a) had Mike left them b) did Mike leave them c) left Mike when d) Mike had left than

2- Is that the bookshop ……………... they’ve also got a café ?
a) where b) which c) whose d) with whom

3- I’d never kill an animal unless it …… me first
a) has attacked b) will attack c) attacks d) attacked

4-I spoke to Tom last night and he says he …………….... while he was on holiday
a) had stolen his phone b) got stolen his phone c) was got his phone stolen d) had his phone stolen

5- Congratulations …………..… getting such a wonderful promotion
a) for b) by c) on d) with

Merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

Here is a multiple choice quiz. I want you :

a- To give the correct answer

b- Explain your choice. You can, if possible, explain it with the grammar rule (search on the Internet if you can’t find)). This explanation will be done in French.

c- To write a sentence on the same model

Explications :

1- No sooner………………. everyone started to gossip about him

a) had Mike left them b) did Mike leave them c) left Mike when d) Mike had left than

It is past perfect linked to past tense

When se had left, jhon began to blame him for the game

2- Is that the bookshop ……………... they’ve also got a café ?

a) where b) which c) whose d) with whom

Where is a question indicator that shows places.

Is that the bar they've taken a beer.

3- I’d never kill an animal unless it …… me first

a) has attacked b) will attack c) attacks d) attacked

When you have conditional at the first clause, the other clause should have paste

I'd never kiss a girl unless we had a relationship.

4-I spoke to Tom last night and he says he …………….... while he was on holiday

a) had stolen his phone b) got stolen his phone c) was got his phone stolen d) had his phone stolen

Past to past

I lost my job while i was sick.

5- Congratulations …………..… getting such a wonderful promotion

a) for b) by c) on d) with

For more info, please

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