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Bonjour en anglais je dois regarder le film de mon choix qui est en anglais bien sure et faire un résumer de 20 lignes toujours en anglais qui pourrait m’aider merci
quelqu’un pourrait me faire un résumer en anglais de n’importe quelle film en anglais svp

Sagot :

Réponse :

A primatologist by profession, David Okoye finds it more difficult to bond with his fellows than with monkeys. No wonder he fell in love with George, an adorable gorilla with an extraordinary intelligence, which he has cared for since his birth. But following a catastrophic genetic experiment, George metamorphoses into an uncontrollable monster. And it is not the only one since other animals are turning into rabid predators across the country, destroying everything in their path. Okoye then decides to work hard with a geneticist to develop an antidote. Will they be able to prevent the planet from being ravaged in time?