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Bonjour j’ai besoin d’aide pour ce devoir Voici quelques phrases d'un exposé sur l'histoire
Noirs américains. Complète-les en conjuguant
les verbes.
a. When the Jim Crow laws were passed and
segregation was introduced, slavery (be) abolished for
more than 10 years.
b. Ruby Bridges was the first Black girl to go to a white
school after the Supreme Court (declare) segregation
in schools illegal in 1956.
c. Martin Luther King (already – lecture) all over the
country on race-related issues before giving his famous
speech "I have a dream”.
d. If the bus driver (not - order) Rosa Parks to give up
her seat, would the Montgomery Bus Boycott have
taken place?
e. By the early 1960s, Malcolm X (emerge) as a
leading voice of a radicalized wing of the Civil Rights

Sagot :

Réponse :

Conjuguer les verbes revient à respecter les principes de concordance de temps:

Explications :

Voici quelques phrases d'un exposé sur l'histoire

Noirs américains. Complète-les en conjuguant

les verbes.

a. When the Jim Crow laws were passed and

segregation was introduced, slavery (was) abolished for

more than 10 years.

b. Ruby Bridges was the first Black girl to go to a white

school after the Supreme Court (declared) segregation

in schools illegal in 1956.

c. Martin Luther King (already – lectured) all over the

country on race-related issues before giving his famous

speech "I have a dream”.

d. If the bus driver (not - ordered) Rosa Parks to give up

her seat, would the Montgomery Bus Boycott have

taken place?

e. By the early 1960s, Malcolm X (emerged) as a

leading voice of a radicalized wing of the Civil Rights


For more informations, consult the following link
