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Sagot :
It all starts when i get home after school, i was tired and i had full of duty, my parents wasn’t here, they work really late the Friday night. I decided to go to bed at 8:00 p.m, then i woke up several times in the middle of the night, my parants wasn’t here. Then for a moment, i heard something strange, and i knew i was not alone. So i took my phone and text my parents, they did not respond after a long minute. I was scared and decided to take my courage in both hands, i went down the stairs, go to the kitchen, opened the light, then i turned myself, i saw like a shadow on the sofa, this thing was moving, then i returned back to my room running. I text again my parents, they told me that all the doors was closed, i told to my mom that the person was a girl, then she stopped to texting me and tell me to leave the house. The little girl who was sitting on the sofa, was my little sister Rebecca who died 6 years ago....
J’espère que ça peut t’aider et que j’ai répondu dans les temps :/ jsp si c’est vraiment horreur mais voilà ;)
It all starts when i get home after school, i was tired and i had full of duty, my parents wasn’t here, they work really late the Friday night. I decided to go to bed at 8:00 p.m, then i woke up several times in the middle of the night, my parants wasn’t here. Then for a moment, i heard something strange, and i knew i was not alone. So i took my phone and text my parents, they did not respond after a long minute. I was scared and decided to take my courage in both hands, i went down the stairs, go to the kitchen, opened the light, then i turned myself, i saw like a shadow on the sofa, this thing was moving, then i returned back to my room running. I text again my parents, they told me that all the doors was closed, i told to my mom that the person was a girl, then she stopped to texting me and tell me to leave the house. The little girl who was sitting on the sofa, was my little sister Rebecca who died 6 years ago....
J’espère que ça peut t’aider et que j’ai répondu dans les temps :/ jsp si c’est vraiment horreur mais voilà ;)
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