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O Conjugue le verbe indiqué au temps et à la forme qui conviennent.
1. (become) If you watch TV too much you .
........ a couch potato.
2. (concentrate) They will make mistakes if they ......
3. (give).
... me some money if I wash the car?
4. (practise) If he
..........., he won't become a champion.
5. (complain) You ..
............ again if I give you too much homework.
6. (like) If he
....... taking risks, he won't accept the mission.
7. (see) You
... the end of the film if you go to bed now.
Construis des phrases complètes avec les éléments suivants.
1 L
1:0 I finband​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1 If you watch TV too much you will become a couch potato

2 They will make mistakes if they concentrate

3 Will you give me some money if i wash the car?

4 If he doesn't practice, he won't become a champion.

5 You will complain again if i give you too much homework

6 If he likes taking risks, he won't accept the mission