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Bonjour est il possible de me faire une rédaction sur ce que produit le réchauffement climatique et ce que nous devons faire pour l éviter traduit en anglais merci

Sagot :

Réponse :

To meet the challenge of global climate change, several solutions have been considered. These can be grouped into a few categories: technological solutions; institutional solutions; changes in human behavior or "behavioral solutions".

Technical solutions:

-Several large-scale technical solutions have been put forward. Their purpose, in the presence of global warming due to the increase in greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin (GHG), to prevent part of the solar radiation from entering the atmosphere, thus serving as a counterweight thermal. Among the best known, we can cite: the installation on terrestrial orbits of panels blocking and reflecting solar rays towards the cosmos; spreading in the lower or upper stratosphere of dust clouds; stimulation of cloud formation by increased production of sulfur. These solutions, dubbed "geoengineering", are for the moment only views of the mind which, like star wars ", are confined to the project stage on a drawing board. This does not mean that they should not be taken seriously. But whether they are feasible and, most importantly, less costly than other types of solutions, remains to be seen.

-More recently, engineers have proposed an “all engineering” method of sequestering carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. The idea is to sequester the CO2 produced by the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) in the earth's subsoil and in the ocean floor. It would be enough to divert, at the exit of factory chimneys, in particular thermal power stations, GHG towards terrestrial and oceanic wells. Instead of being released into the atmosphere, the emissions of gases released by the combustion of fossil fuels could be routed to deep, stable wells through conduits resembling natural gas pipelines currently used to transport natural gas. This would bury the problem ... This solution seems feasible, but we do not yet know the costs. The authors believe that it should not cause major technical changes; it would only require an adaptation of existing techniques for the purpose of capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide

j’espère que le peux que j'ai marquée pourra comme même t’aider :)

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