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vous oiurez maider svp ?! Lis le texte suivant et souligne en rouge les verbes au prétérit.
On Sunday January 30th 1972, about 20000 civilians marched through the town of
Derry in Northern Ireland. They were protesting against the policy of the English
government which imprisoned suspected members of the IRA without trial. While they
were demonstrating the English army fired on the unarmed marchers, killing fourteen
people, some shot in the back. Those responsible for this massacre were never punished.
The popular Irish group wrote the song Sunday bloody Sunday in 1983 to sum up a decade
of hatred and violence.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

On Sunday January 30th 1972, about 20000 civilians marched through the town of

Derry in Northern Ireland. They were protesting against the policy of the English

government which imprisoned suspected members of the IRA without trial. While they

were demonstrating the English army fired on the unarmed marchers, killing fourteen

people, some shot in the back. Those responsible for this massacre were never punished.

The popular Irish group wrote the song Sunday bloody Sunday in 1983 to sum up a decade

of hatred and violence

Explications :

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