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l'actuelle reine du Royaume-Uni, Elizabeth2,est montée sur le trône il y a 68 ans ! cette durée de règne , qui n'avait jamais été atteinte auparavant , fait d'elle un véritable symbole de la couronne britannique .

Fille ainée du roi George6 , Elizabeth2 lui succède le 6 février 1952, à l'age de 26 ans .

Elle règne non seulement sur le Royaume-Uni , mais aussi sur le Canada, l'Australie, nouvelle- Zélande et une douzaine d'autres pays du Commonwealth.

la reine est très populaire au Royaume uni et d'autres , dont l'hymne national est God save the Queen ... la preuve , on retrouve son portrait partout: des timbres aux pièces de monnaie , en passant par le service à thé.

Sagot :

the current Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth 2, ascended the throne 68 years ago! this period of reign, which had never been reached before, made it a true symbol of the British crown.

Elder daughter of King George6, Elizabeth2 succeeded her on February 6, 1952, at the age of 26.

It rules not only over the United Kingdom, but also over Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a dozen other Commonwealth countries.

the queen is very popular in the United Kingdom and others, whose national anthem is God save the Queen ... proof, we find her portrait everywhere: from stamps to coins, passing by the tea service.

Réponse :

The current queen of England, Elizabeth 2, ascended the throne sixty years ago! This time length of reign, which had never been reached before, makes her a genuine symbol of the British Crown.

Elder daughter of George 6, Elizabeth 2 succeeded him on February 6th, 1952, at the age of twenty-six.

Her reign expanded not only in England but also in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, as well as dozens of other countries part of the Commonwealth.

The Queen is very popular in England and amongst others, which justifies her appearance in the national anthem "God save the Queen". Other proof of her success as an emblematic figure would be the fact that she can be found on stamps, pennies and even on tea sets.