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Sagot :
PS :
Un petit "Bonjour" serait bien aussi! Rappeles toi que tu demandes de l'aide à des gens qui prennent la peine de consacrer du temps pour t'aider à faire tes devoirs. :) De plus, tu as mal rédigé ton énoncer, alors fait attention à cela car cela rend les choses assez complexes pour comprendre les questions auxquelles ils faut répondre.
Explications :
1. The two characters are named Liam and Roisin. They are cousins.
2. The scene takes place outside on the damp grass, where the two cousins lie on beanbags.
3. a) The children are looking at a comet in the daytime sky.
b) This is a special occasion as the apperance of comet in the daytime sky is quite rare and unsusual.
4) a) The children are talking about where Rosini could potentially place the bright comet they're saying on her map.
b) The children do not seem to have the same plans for the future. On one hand, Roisin wants to go out in the wild and explore the worlds, whereas, on the otherhand, Liam prefers to remain at the farm with his father.
5. a) Roisin tries to persuade Liam to come with her by telling him that exploring is what his dream job requires, and that if he wants to achieve his dreams, he must make some sacrifices and step out of his comfort zone (being in this case, the farm). The author transcrips this message through the words : "That's what astronomers do, says Roisin; they go and explore the universe".
6. When he says "when he imagines the world it is always somehow relative to the farm", the narrator means that Liam has never left the farm beofre, resulting to him being unaware of the outside world.
7. To the children, the sky represents a source of imagination, and aim for the future.
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