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Sagot :
My favourite hobbies are: dancing, horse-riding and, swimming. I spend a lot of my time for doing this because i love the dance and the water and horses. I go at dancing once a week, on thuesdays at swimming, and twice a week at horse-riding. I spend time for my homeworks too. I can't bear playing the guitare because I hate guitare. I'm keen on tv shows and music. I'm nuts about scared of movies because it's very exciting but i'm very crazy about dancing. The dance is very important for me.
je crois avoir tous corriger mes ce qui est souligner je n est pas compris car "keen" sa n existe pas...
bonne chance j espere t avoir aidee!...
My favourite hobbies are dancing, horse-riding and swimming. I spend a lot of my time for doing this because I love the dance and the water and horses. I'm dancing once a week, on thuesday I'm swimming and I'm horse-riding twice a week. I spend time for my homeworks too. I can't bear playing the guitare because i hate guitare. i'm enjoy watch tv shows and listen to music. I'm crazy about scared movies because it's very exciting but i'm very crazy about dance, this is very important for me.
voila j'en ai corrigé mais je ne sais pas si il en reste... au fait en anglais "I" (je) s'écrit toujours en majuscule.
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