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Je suis en 3e et j’ai beaucoup trop de devoir pour m’occuper de celui-là.

Pouvez-vous faire ma rédaction svp rédigé une page du journal intime d’un ado, immigrés en Amérique du nord entre le 17e siècle et 19e siècle + une page d’un journal intime d’un ado immigrés aux États-Unis au 21e siècle. Il Faudra décrire les conditions dans lesquelles ils sont partis de leur pays et dans lesquelles ils sont arrivés en Amérique leur ancienne vie et leur nouvelle vie sans oublier leurs sentiments. -présent simple


Sagot :

Réponse :

Hey, i already ansewered this question

Explications :

A Moroccan immigrated to America:

I still remember, well, the day that the big envelope arrived via "The Factor". The title of the American Consulate was clearly printed, which sparked the attention of the "Victor",

Who asked me to "sweetness" in front of the neighborhood youth, which caused me a great embarrassment, because they knocked on the door of our house at night, hidden in order to offer to marry me and take them with me

To America, for five million! ... There was more than one offer, but my mother refused.

I remember how my mother paid the price of the interview at the American Consulate from my uncle, who forced her to sign a check for the huge amount of money.

I remember my mother crying hard when I got out of the interview in Casablanca and signaled to her from the door that I succeeded in the interview. I remember all the commandments that Ali began to recite

She asks me to stick to it in America. I will never forget that she declared a "state of emergency" at home and taught me quick cooking arts and how to fix my clothes from any

Problem, as I asked the "beads" in Ras al-Darb to teach me how to fix my shoes ...

My mom watched all the details of my immigration and discovered, when I arrived in America, that all of this was useless. The shoes here remain new, because the streets

Clean, no dust, no dust. I found out that the clothes here are "off the record" and that you can buy what you want from "Walmart" shops for small amounts ...

A poor person can live here and never feel poor, nor ever "helpless." To this day, I reserve the long message I received from my brothers and sisters and in which they wrote

Their small requests that meant a lot to them ...

The "Green Card" saved my family from poverty, because I arrived in this country and worked "three days of servants during the day" and sent money to my mother and built

A small house for my brothers and sisters and relieved them of the humiliation of rent, the harassment of neighbors, the owners of the house and their male children, who felt that they "owned us", as they owned

The floor we used to live in ...

I live in Virginia, isolated in the apartment that I bought two years ago, and I got American citizenship three years ago. And right after I got my citizenship certificate,

I meant the immigration department, to ask my family to join me. This issue takes between five and eight years, but time here "flies" quickly, and when my mom gets

Stay and come with my brothers to live with me, I will be happy and turn the page of Morocco forever, because he did not give me anything, and this country gave me everything ...

I know that this story will give many people the will to immigrate ... but I also know that the other group ... Unfortunately, it loves.

i hope i helped

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