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Bonsoir pouvez vous m'aider ( Anglais)

complète cette critique du roman: A Night in Terror Tower à l'aide des expressions suivantes

-shocking revelations
-a life
-threatening situation
-keeps readers interested
-give the ending away
- novel

In RL Stine's new...
called A Night in Terror Tower,
he... a lot of suspense as always and he... with plenty of twists and turns and... We won't...
because no one likes a spoiler but we can tell you that there are some...
and some characters may find themselves in...

Merci d'avance ​

Bonsoir Pouvez Vous Maider Anglaiscomplète Cette Critique Du Roman A Night In Terror Tower À Laide Des Expressions Suivantesshocking Revelations Creates A Lifet class=

Sagot :

Réponse : In RL Stine's new [novel]

called A Night in Terror Tower,

he [creates] a lot of suspense as always and he [ keeps readers interested ]with plenty of twists and turns and [cliffhangers] We won't [give the ending away]

because no one likes a spoiler but we can tell you that there are some [shocking revelations ]

and some characters may find themselves in [a life-threatening situation]

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