exercice 1:
1- she has drunk
2- simon has passes
3- he had seen
4. he has studyed
5.they have won
6.sam has made
7. I have made
8. I have broken
9.the car has stoped
10. she has written
11.he has cought
12.tina has cooked
13. the dog has bitten
14.they have traveled
15.he has gone
16.the dog has broken
17.he has bought
18.I have washed
19.she has eaten
20.i have cut
21.sarah has had
22.the match has started
23. they have played
24.he has hurt
25.he has answered
26. an accident has happened
27.tom has finished
exercice 2:
1. she has not watched (negative)
has she watched (quest)
2. we have finished (positive)
have we finished (quest)
3.they have traveled (positif)
they have not traveled (negatif)
4.he has cooked (positif)
has he cooked (quest)
5. tom has run (positif)
tom has not run (negatif)
exercice 3:
1. have we arrived yet
2. has sarah cheated on tom
3.has the waitress brought the dessert
4.have you met ted
5. has lax paid the recent
6.have they ever seen a whale
7.have you fished your homework
exercice 4:
1. have you ever been ...
2.yes , I was ...
3.when did you last go...
4. I last have gone there three yezrs ago .
I spent
exervice 5:
1.he has already told
2.the children didn't go
3.i given
4.why have you not called
5.have you seen
6. i visited
7. my parents have sent
8.we heard
9.we have just got
10.he have only spoken