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Le document 2 évoque les caractéristiques comme la médecine tordue , le don d’organes , la peur , spécimen , la technologie de bioconversion , la biotechnologie , . En effet , un homme qui s’appelle Cale et qui est médecin car il écoute les battements de coeur de Danny , un patient à l’aide d’un stéthoscope « Cale urged him to sit at the end of the examination table, adjusted a stethoscope around his neck, and listened to Danny's heartbeat ».On dit que Cale , le médecin qu’il est grand , il ne sourit pas «  Abruptly the door to the cubicle opened, and a burly young man in a white lab coat and cord trousers, a lightskinned black man in his late twenties or early thirties, with deepset ironic eyes, stepped inside. He was taller than Danny and heavier by perhaps thirty pounds. On his lapel was a plastic ID with an unsmiling photo and the single word CALE »
Cale a l’air d’etre un médecin étrange « Cale was making notations on his clipboard, irritably. Clearly, whatever Cale's job was, he wasn't in a good mood. » On comprend que vers la fin du texte , que Danny est examiné , car il est né pour donner son corps car sur une partie de son bras « On his sturdy left forearm was a small but striking tattoo in bronze: *BIOTECHINC* 75 » En effet Biotechnic est comme une entreprise , donc Danny , depuis sa naissance est relié sans le savoir car il ne comprend rien et il est terrifié , aux actions de cette entreprise , est considéré comme un spécimen "A body donor is a specimen who has been conceived, born, and cultivated for harvest. Your body was contracted for by a client of *BIOTECHINC*. Presumably a male whose brain will be transplanted into your head and attached to—well, the body that comes with it. » Le statut de Danny est BD qu’on peut voir sur sa carte d’identé , "Sooo, Dennie. No: Danny. Birth date 11/1/86. Status BD." "BD. 'Body donor.' En effet , Danny devra donner son cerveau à un autre client , c’est le principe de l’entreprise ou le laboratoire «  BIOTECHNIC » ou qu’un client de Biotechnic donne son cerveau à Danny «  Presumably a male whose brain will be transplanted into your head and attached to well, the body that comes with it." Ce qui est horrible , puisque le cerveau est un organe qu’on ne peut donner ! Les caractéristiques dystopiques présentées dans les documents sont pertinentes dans la société actuelle. En effet , car quelques personnes donnent des dons d’organes , pour sauver des vies mais dans ce document , on parle de la biotechnologie , comme la technologie avance , progresse très rapidement , la biotechnologie peut avoir quelques conséquences dans le monde actuel. Tout d’abord , la biotechnologie regroupe toutes « les applications de la science et de la technologie à des organismes vivants ou à leurs composantes, produits ou modélisations, dans le but de modifier des matériaux, vivants ou non, à des fins de production de connaissances, de biens ou de services. » Par exemple , la transgénèse, permettant en particulier d'intervenir sur le patrimoine génétique des espèces pour le décrypter ou le modifier , ce qui peut avoir des conséquences néfastes sur la nature ect...

Sagot :

Document 2 discusses features like twisted medicine, organ donation, fear, specimen, bioconversion technology, biotechnology,. Indeed, a man named Cale who is a doctor because he listens to Danny's heartbeat, a patient using a stethoscope "Cale urged him to sit at the end of the examination table, adjusted a stethoscope around his neck, and listened to Danny's heartbeat ". It is said that Cale, the doctor that he is tall, he does not smile" Abruptly the door to the cubicle opened, and a burly young man in a white lab coat and cord trousers, a lightskinned black man in his late twenties or early thirties, with deepset ironic eyes, stepped inside. He was taller than Danny and heavier by perhaps thirty pounds. On his lapel was a plastic ID with an unsmiling photo and the single word CALE »
Cale looked like a strange doctor "Cale was making notations on his clipboard, irritably. Clearly, whatever Cale's job was, he wasn't in a good mood. "We understand that towards the end of the text, that Danny is examined, because he was born to give his body because on a part of his arm" On his sturdy left forearm was a small but striking tattoo in bronze: * BIOTECHINC * 75 " Indeed Biotechnic is like a company, therefore Danny, since his birth is linked without knowing it because he does not understand anything and he is terrified, to the actions of this company, is considered as a specimen "A body donor is a specimen who has been conceived, born, and cultivated for harvest. Your body was contracted for by a client of * BIOTECHINC *. Presumably a male whose brain will be transplanted into your head and attached to — well, the body that comes with it. ” Danny is a comic that you can see on his ID card, "Sooo, Dennie. No: Danny. Birth date 11/1/86. BD Status. "" BD. 'Body donor.' Indeed, Danny will have to give his brain to another customer, it is the principle of the company or the laboratory "BIOTECHNIC" or that a Biotechnic customer gives his brain to Danny "Presumably a male whose brain will be transplanted into your head and attached to well, the body that comes with it. "Which is horrible, since the brain is an organ that cannot be donated! The dystopian characteristics presented in the documents are relevant in today's society. because some people donate organs to save lives, but in this document, we talk about biotechnology, as technology advances, progresses very quickly, biotechnology can have some consequences in today's world. biotechnology brings together all "the applications of science and technology to living organisms or their components, products or models, with the aim of modifying s materials, living or not, for the production of knowledge, goods or services. »For example, transgenesis, allowing in particular to intervene on the genetic heritage of species to decrypt or modify it, which can have harmful consequences on nature ect ...
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