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I'm going to talk about the notion of Seats ans Types of power. To introduce this notion, I would like to give a defintion of this concept : Places could be important buildings or institutions that represents a sure form of power, for example Buckingham Palace, a symbol of the British monarchy or a place can also be a country or state like the United States is a state wich is powerful enough to influence envents throughout the world, or the Australia for his past colonial. Power it is de ability to control others, events, the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistantsor opposition. This of course leads to conflict between thosebwho have power and those who don't.
To illustrate the notion, we will talk about Australian Aborigines, who have experienced colonialism with the arrival of the English settlers in the 18th century. After this arrival the settlers established their rules to the aborigines without taking into account their way of life . This is how the Aborigines saw their customs go up in smoke. The colonists made them work for them, as well as their education until the end of their culture. Between massacres, stolen genrations, attempts at assimilation, this people has passed all way from extinction. It is with the following documents HOW SCHOOL HAS BEEN USED TO CONTROL SOVEREIGNTY AND SELF-DETERMINATION FOR INDIDENOUS PEOPLES FROM THE CONVERSATION, A BOARD ABROAD and THE DECLINE OF ABORIGINAL SOCIETY that we will answer the following question : What impact the arrival of settlers had on the live of Australian Aborigines ?
Firstly we will see that the colonists tamed an entire culture and in a second time we will see that they pushed him to annihilation.

First of all, the settlers had to tame the Aborigines in order to carry out their plan, the relations between the two cultures were conflictual because the settlers wanted to take possession of the most beautiful lands to the Aborigines who already lived here " the best land was taken up by the more wealthy" as shown in THE DECLINE OF ABORIGINAL SOCIETY
In addition, in the document HOW SCHOOL HAS BEEN USED TO CONTROL SOVEREIGNTY AND SELF-DETERMINATION FOR INDIDENOUS PEOPLES FROM THE CONVERSATION, the author says that the colonists set up the school for the set pupose of manipluling the indigenous peoples contrary to what the Prime Minister Turnbull maintain "Evidence suggests schooling for indigenous peopls has historically been used as a tool of manipulation and control by white governing bodies"
Little by little the Aborigines suffered the destruction of their culture as can be seen at line 16 of the decline " It was the destruction of their traditional society and the dispossesssion of their lands"

All these rules, this relentlessness towards the aborigines will almost lead to their extinction.

Beginning with a striking inequality, Aborigines didn't have the same rights as whites, the whites settlers had laws and policies to protect themselves contrary the aborigines who had nothing, as can be seen in the decline " the whites settlers were a protected species; they were safe with their own laws and had police and soldiers to enforce their rules"
Moreover the aborigines had no freedom, they couldn't go hunting because of the barriers, " They are blocked by fences" and if they ever get out, they get shot, " And when we climbed over the fence, one of thosemen pointed one fo those things-guns- at us and threatened to shoot us if we went in there again"
Sometimes even settlers had sexual relations with Aboriginal women to have mixed-race chilren, so that the following generations will be white and therefore annihilate the Aboriginal culture. They were characterized by half-caste.
But the most horrible thing hadn't happened yet, between the 1860s and the 1970s the worst happened, and it shall be called " The Stolen Generation", nearly 50,000 indigenous children, on the orden of the governement, are forcibly removed from their families, because any indigenous child who had some white ancestry in them, could be snatched from their families. they were adopted by European families while dark-skinner were set to missionary camps. as can be see with A Board Abroad.

To sum up, the arrival of the settlers could have been a good thing for the aborigines, however it can be described as threatening because it led to the fall of an entire culture. This fall is done little by little with a taming until il leads to its loss. Even today, the descendants of the Aborigines are still marked by their past, they either live on their reserve or in cities but are affected by serious problems such as alcoholinsm, his homeless. It is important not to forget that all of these horrible things could have gone on if laws weren't put in place.

Sagot :

Réponse :

I'm going to talk about the notion of Seats and Types of power. To introduce this notion, I would like to give a definition of this concept: Places could be important buildings or institutions that represents a sure form of power, for example, Buckingham Palace, a symbol of the British monarchy or a place can also be a country or state like the United States is a state which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world, or the Australia for his past colonial.

Power it is the ability to control others, events, the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don't.

To illustrate the notion, we will talk about Australian Aborigines, who have experienced colonialism with the arrival of the English settlers in the 18th century. After this arrival the settlers established their rule to the aborigines without taking into account their way of life. This is how the Aborigines saw their customs go up in smoke. The colonists made them work for them, as well as their education until the end of their culture.

Between massacres, stolen generations, attempts at assimilation, this person has passed all ways from extinction. It is with the following documents HOW SCHOOL HAS BEEN USED TO CONTROL SOVEREIGNTY AND SELF-DETERMINATION FOR INDIDENOUS PEOPLES FROM THE CONVERSATION, A BOARD ABROAD and THE DECLINE OF ABORIGINAL SOCIETY that we will answer the following question: What impact the arrival of settlers had on the lives of Australian Aborigines?

Firstly, we will see that the colonists tamed an entire culture and at a second time we will see that they pushed him to annihilation.

First of all, the settlers had to tame the Aborigines in order to carry out their plan, the relations between the two cultures were conflicting because the settlers wanted to take possession of the most beautiful lands to the Aborigines who already lived here " the best land was taken up by the more wealthy" as shown in THE DECLINE OF ABORIGINAL SOCIETY

In addition, in the document HOW SCHOOL HAS BEEN USED TO CONTROL SOVEREIGNTY AND SELF-DETERMINATION FOR INDIDENOUS PEOPLES FROM THE CONVERSATION, the author says that the colonists set up the school for the set purpose of handling the indigenous peoples contrary to what the Prime Minister Turnbull maintain "Evidence suggests schooling for indigenous peoples has historically been used as a tool of manipulation and control by white governing bodies" Little by little the Aborigines suffered the destruction of their culture as can be seen at line 16 of the decline " It was the destruction of their traditional society and the dispossession of their lands"

All these rules, this relentlessness towards the aborigines will almost lead to their extinction.Beginning with a striking inequality, Aborigines didn't have the same rights as whites, the white settlers had laws and policies to protect themselves contrary the aborigines who had nothing, as can be seen in the decline " the white settlers were a protected species; they were safe with their own laws and had police and soldiers to enforce their rules"

Moreover the aborigines had no freedom, they couldn't go hunting because of the barriers, " They are blocked by fences" and if they ever get out, they get shot, " And when we climbed over the fence, one of those men pointed one of those things-guns- at us and threatened to shoot us if we went in there again"Sometimes even settlers had sexual relations with Aboriginal women to have mixed-race children, so that the following generations will be white and therefore annihilate the Aboriginal culture.

They were characterized by half-caste.

But the most horrible thing hadn't happened yet, between the 1860s and the 1970s the worst happened, and it shall be called " The Stolen Generation", nearly 50,000 indigenous children, on the order of the government, are forcibly removed from their families, because any indigenous child who had some white ancestry in them, could be snatched from their families.

they were adopted by European families while dark-skinner were sent to missionary camps. as can be seen with A Board Abroad.To sum up, the arrival of the settlers could have been a good thing for the aborigines, however, it can be described as threatening because it led to the fall of an entire culture. This fall is done little by little with a taming until IL leads to its loss. Even today, the descendants of the Aborigines are still marked by their past, they either live on their reserve or in cities, but are affected by serious problems such as alcoholism, he's homeless. It is important not to forget that all of these horrible things could have gone on if the laws weren't put in place.

Explications : Et voila tu avais quelques erreurs :)