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Bonjour, j'aurai besoin d'aide pour une traduction en anglais. Merci à ceux qui m'aideront.

A l'attention de Mr David Hanson
Cher Mr Hanson ,

Je me permet de vous écrire car je suis de près l'avancé technologie misant sur l'intelligence artificiel que votre entreprise met au point .
L'élaboration de robots humanoïdes me passionne .

D'un côté je pense qu'en effet l'intelligence artificiel est synonyme d'avenir .. j'admire le fait qu'une multitude de composant électronique minutieusement choisit et assemblé puisse rivalisé avec l'être humain ou encore mieux à lui être utile , je pense dans ce cas précis a toutes ces personnes handicapé , âgé , réduite en fonction motrice qui pourraient se voir accompagné dans leur quotidien par les robots humanoïde doté d'une intelligence artificiel que vous élaboré et donc a quel point cela leur simplifierait ou soulagerait les actes de la vie courante .

Mais d'un autre coté je ne peux m'empêcher de penser aussi à l'impact que cela aurait sur le monde du travail .. vous rendez vous compte que de nombreuse personne se verront alors bientôt remplacé par une intelligence artificiel qu' adviendrait il de ces personnes de leur famille qu'ils nourrissent grace à leur travail .. ? Quand nous partons du principe qu'une intelligence artificiel est crée par une intelligence réelle avec des connaissances avérées et acquise... que nous la responsabilisons que nous la poussons a nous remplacer dans les tache du quotidien ne pensez vous donc pas que l'intelligence artificiel puisse dominer le monde ou elle voit le jour ?

Sagot :

Réponse :

bonjours j'espère au moins t'aider

Explications :

For the attention of Mr David Hanson

Dear Mr Hanson,

I allow myself to write to you because I am closely following the advanced technology focusing on artificial intelligence that your company is developing.

The development of humanoid robots fascinates me.

On the one hand I think that indeed artificial intelligence is synonymous with the future .. I admire the fact that a multitude of electronic components carefully chosen and assembled can compete with human beings or even better be them useful, I think in this specific case of all these disabled, elderly, reduced motor function who could be accompanied in their daily life by humanoid robots with artificial intelligence that you developed and therefore how much it would simplify them or would relieve the acts of everyday life.

But on the other hand I can't help but think about the impact it would have on the world of work .. you realize that many people will soon be replaced by an artificial intelligence that would happen of these family members that they feed through their work ..? When we start from the principle that an artificial intelligence is created by a real intelligence with proven and acquired knowledge ... that we make it responsible that we push it to replace us in the daily tasks do not you think that intelligence artificial to dominate the world or is it born?

Réponse :

For the attention of Mr David Hanson

Dear Mr Hanson,

I allow myself to write to you because I am closely following the advanced technology focusing on artificial intelligence that your company is developing.

The development of humanoid robots fascinates me.

On the one hand I think that indeed artificial intelligence is synonymous with the future .. I admire the fact that a multitude of electronic components carefully chosen and assembled can compete with human beings or even better be them  useful, I think in this specific case of all these disabled, elderly, reduced motor function who could be accompanied in their daily life by humanoid robots with artificial intelligence that you developed and therefore how much it would simplify them or  would relieve the acts of everyday life.

But on the other hand I can't help but think about the impact it would have on the world of work .. you realize that many people will soon be replaced by an artificial intelligence that would happen  of these family members that they feed through their work ..?  When we start from the principle that an artificial intelligence is created by a real intelligence with proven and acquired knowledge ... that we make it responsible that we push it to replace us in the daily tasks do not you think that intelligence  artificial to dominate the world or is it born?